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my name is Alan Dean Foster. I've been trying to see as much of this planet as
possible, and using my imagination to examine worlds beyond it. Worlds both
possible (science-fiction) and impossible (fantasy). Some of you have been kind
enough to travel along with me in the books and stories I've set down about
those travels. Some have even expressed an interest in knowing a little more
about them, and about me. Hence this little website, that I hope you will
month, on the Update page, I will try to provide some background on my stories,
their origin, on how certain characters and plots and places were arrived at
- general background information on my writing that appears nowhere else.
If you have a specific question, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll try to
answer as many as I can. There will also be periodic updates to the
bibliographic material, and information on forthcoming works.
Thank you for your interest.
the author at: adf@alandeanfoster.com
Website design and construction by: John
Commonwealth maps by: Michael Goodwin. Enhancement by: John Haynes.
Galographics and Commonwealth Chronology by: Robert Teague and Michael Goodwin.
Thranx Language by Riccardo Fregi. Revised and updated by the author.