A few "tips & tricks" for this website:
- Click here to see the site map.
- Be sure to check out Tran-Ky-Ky!
maps > galactic maps > Tran-Ky-Ky.   Why? You'll see!
- Don't miss subspace com- it's a discussion forum that you can participate in!
- This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.5+. Some Java Scripts do not work with Netscape, and none of the body effects (color scroll bars, etc.) work with earlier versions of IE or Netscape. (A note to Netscape users- don't worry, you will be automatically redirected to pages that are compatible with your browser. You won't miss out on any of the information on this site, but you will miss out on some of the fun.) If you must use Netscape, please upgrade to the latest version when you get a chance. While we're on the subject, no matter which browser you're using- IE or Netscape- you should take the time to upgrade to the latest version- you'll be glad you did!